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Strathfield 2022 Local & Young Citizens of the Year Awards

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Citizen of the Year – Saroni Roy

Saroni has been a local resident of Strathfield and a passionate advocate of community-based projects.  She has been involved in so many various voluntarily roles from diversity and inclusion, positive peace, cultural change, gender equality, emotional intelligence, mental health, sustainability, social justice, environmental well-being and many more.  She’s an active member and currently volunteers with Strathfield Sports Club and Rotary Club of Strathfield.


Young Citizen of the Year – Bella Merlino

Bella is currently a student at Santa Sabina College. She has excelled in her roles as a student and her efforts and contributions for the local community and the greater community. She currently and actively supports and is a member for the Rotaract Strathfield, Young Leaders Strathfield and Australian Cinematographers Society (ACS). Bella also actively volunteers with Dementia Australia. Bella is an exceptional young lady who has contributed significantly to the municipality of Strathfield and beyond.

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